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A) The Website is operated by and property of EVOlution Graphics B.V. ("EVOlution Graphics") which is registered at the Dutch Chamber of Commerce under registration number 854134098. For any questions regarding the Website, please contact EVOlution Graphics at
B) The Website is dedicated to collecting 3/4/5-view drawings ("Vector drawings"), templates and blueprints for as many objects as possible. Ranging from humans to tanks and cars to mobile phones, the goal is to provide reference material for 3D modelers, sign writing, vehicle graphics, race car liveries, scale modelers, replica builders etc.
C) Use of the Website and all of its services and/or products are subject to these Terms and Conditions ("T&C"). By registering with the Website, the user ("User") explicitly agrees to the T&C. Uploading blueprints is also regarded as use of the Website and the uploader ("Uploader") explicitly agrees to the T&C when uploading blueprints or any other content to the Website.
D) Use of the Website and all of its services and products ("Product") are subject to the privacy policy of the Website. The privacy policy of the Website is explained in the privacy statement ("Privacy Statement"), which can be consulted at
E) The T&C can be consulted at and will be sent on request.
F) In case third party services or products are used or consulted via the Website in any way, other (general) terms & conditions, cookie policies and/or privacy policies may be applicable. EVOlution Graphics is not liable in any way for third party terms & conditions and policies. In the event of any conflict between the T&C and third party documents, the T&C will prevail.
G) EVOlution Graphics is entitled to amend the T&C as it sees fit.

1. User Account

1.1 To make a purchase on the Website, User must complete the Website's registration process, and create an account ("Account"). All Users must be 16 years or older to create an Account. User's Account may also include billing information User provides to the Website for future purchases.
1.2 User is solely responsible for all activity on User's Account and for the security of User's computer system. User may not reveal, share or otherwise allow others to use User's password or Account. User agrees that User is personally responsible for the use of User's password and Account and for all of the communication and activity on the Website that results from use of User's login name and password. User may not sell or charge others for the right to use its Account, or otherwise transfer its Account, nor may User sell, charge others for the right to use, or transfer any subscriptions other than if and as expressly permitted by the T&C.
1.3 As the Account holder, User is responsible for all charges incurred, including applicable taxes, and all purchases made by User or anyone that uses User's Account.
1.4 User's purchase is subject to product compatibility requirements which User must read before purchasing a product. The act of making a purchase constitutes User's tacit understanding and compliance with these requirements. EVOlution Graphics shall not be held responsible for any loss, incompatible or erroneous purchases, notwithstanding article 8.
1.5 User agrees that User will be personally responsible and liable for the use of its Account and for all activity on the Website that results from use of its Account. User's online conduct is expected to be in good faith, non-abusive and in accordance with applicable law and legislation.
1.6 EVOlution Graphics may at any time end, amend or delete User Accounts as it sees fit, temporarily or definitely. EVOlution Graphics will inform User accordingly.

2. Content

2.1 User may submit Content after registering an Account.
2.2 User understands that if Content is published, EVOlution Graphics does not guarantee any confidentiality with respect to this Content.
2.3 Notwithstanding article 7.6, User retains all intellectual property rights it has on uploaded Content.
2.4 User is solely responsible for uploaded Content and the consequences of posting or publishing it. EVOlution Graphics does not endorse any Content or any opinion, recommendation, or advice expressed therein, and EVOlution Graphics expressly disclaims any and all liability in connection with Content.
2.5 User undertakes and warrants that User has (and will continue to have during User's use of the Website) all necessary licenses, rights, consents and permissions which are required to enable EVOlution Graphics to use Content for the purposes of the Website and otherwise contemplated by the T&C.
2.6 User undertakes that User will not upload any Content which contains material which is unlawful for User to possess in the country in which User is resident, or which it would be unlawful for EVOlution Graphics to use or possess in connection with the Website.
2.7 User undertakes that Content User submits to the Website will not contain any material that is subject other third party intellectual property rights unless User has a formal license or permission from the rightful owner, or is otherwise legally entitled to use it.
2.8 EVOlution Graphics is entitles to remove, amend or delete Content as it sees fit.

3. Obligations EVOlution Graphics

3.1 EVOlution Graphics will undertake sufficient maintenance and (technical) updates of the Website.
3.2 Maintenance of the Website may result in (temporary) interruption of access to the Website. If necessary EVOlution Graphics will notify access interruption on the Website.
3.3 EVOlution Graphics undertakes sufficient safety measures in which physical, electronical and procedural measures are used. This includes best practice safety measures such as firewalls and data encryption. Reference is made to the Privacy Statement for further safety measures.

4. Purchase agreement

4.1 User understands that payment could be required for Product purchasing and provides its explicit consent for payment.
4.2 User undertakes that by purchasing Products on the Website he enters into a purchase agreement with EVOlution Graphics. Purchased Products are delivered directly after payment, through download by User.
4.3 Notwithstanding applicable law and legislation, User explicitly renounces its rights to terminate the purchase agreement and/or return any purchased Products, due its digital content.

5. Payment

5.1 User is able to purchase drawings,
5.2 The price of the drawings varies with the number of projects, quality of the product, rarity, and complexity.
5.3 To secure all payments, EVOlution Graphics uses SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption technology for User's payments.

6. Personal data

6.1 To purchase any Product or Services on the Website, an Account has to be created. Personal data is needed and EVOlution Graphics processes personal data. The Privacy Statement of the Website is applicable to this data processing and to the Website in general.
6.2 EVOlution Graphics will inform User immediately in case misuse of personal data by third parties is established.
6.3 Entered data will remain property of User. Personal data will be available at all times for review and/or alterations the user account page on the Website.
6.4 User indemnifies EVOlution Graphics for all privacy breaches of User. EVOlution Graphics undertakes safety measures in order to prevent any breaches and refers to its Privacy Statement.

7. Intellectual Property Rights

7.1 User must respect all intellectual property rights relating to the Products.
7.2 EVOlution Graphics holds all intellectual property rights, inter alia copyrights and database rights, on all Products that were made by EVOlution Graphics. This includes, but is expressively not limited to, the Website itself. Users and/or Uploaders do not gain any intellectual property rights by using the Website.
7.3 Intellectual property rights in third party materials processed into the Products are owned by the respective third parties. EVOlution Graphics does not own, nor claim to own any of the intellectual property rights that are owned by third parties.
7.4 The User shall immediately inform EVOlution Graphics of any infringement of intellectual property rights with respect to the Products and/or services provided on the Website.
7.5 The sale of the Products does not grant the User any intellectual property rights relating to the Products. In no event and for no reason whatsoever shall the User infringe any intellectual property rights whatsoever relating to the Products, nor may it seek or obtain any legal protection for any matter of any nature whatsoever relating to the Products.
7.6 Insofar the Uploader has any intellectual property rights regarding to the uploaded content, the Uploader remains the holder of said intellectual property rights. By uploading content, EVOlution Graphics obtains an exclusive, non-transferable license to use the content without a right to sublicense, which Uploader accepts.
7.7 User undertakes to indemnify and to hold EVOlution Graphics harmless from and against any (third party) claims, costs and/or damages arising from the abnormal, improper or unlawful use of the Products and/or the Website, that are related to the infringement of third party (intellectual property) rights. This includes, but is not limited to, third party infringement actions.

8. Liability

8.1 Use of the Website is at the risk of User.
8.2 With regard to the operation and quality of the Website, the 'Best Effort' principle applies. EVOlution Graphics therefore does not guarantee the absence of any flaws or errors on the Website.
8.3 EVOlution Graphics does not provide any guarantees relating to the content, reliability or availability relating to the Website, or any safety incidents regarding use of the Website.
8.4 Notwithstanding liability based on imperative law, EVOlution Graphics is expressively not liable for any direct, indirect or consequential damages resulting from use of the Website.
8.5 Under no circumstances, EVOlution Graphics is liable for any damages suffered or costs incurred whatsoever by User in the following cases:
A. User could not obtain access to the (content of the) Website due to technical problems or in case the Website is out of order or not working properly;
B. A device that was used for the Website is damaged or broken;
C. User has obtained the wrong Products from the Website ;
D. User does not comply with the T&C or infringes the rights of others;
8.6 EVOlution Graphics is also not liable for any (consequential) damages regarding download Products or used Services, in case:
A. The wrong Product was bought;
B. A bought Product has not been used (by User) in accordance with the T&C.

9. Account termination by User

9.1 Notwithstanding article 1.7, User can delete its Account at any time.
9.2 By deleting the Account, all relevant data regarding the User and its account are deleted by Evolution Graphics.

10. Miscellaneous

If any clause of the T&C is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be null or unenforceable or unlawful the remaining terms and conditions shall continue in full force and effect.
11. Governing law and Court
11.1 The governing law of the T&C shall be the law of the Netherlands.
11.2 In the event of a dispute resulting from the T&C, the district Court of Amsterdam, the Netherlands shall be the only competent jurisdiction, regardless of the nature, cause or place of the dispute, even if there are several defendants or in the event of a third party notice to join proceedings, and whatever the special conditions of sale and methods of payment may be, including bank draft or other bills of exchange and even in the event of a clause to the contrary held by the contracting party.

2000 - 2023 EVOlution Graphics B.V., Hilversum, The Netherlands

© 2012 - 2025 - part of EVOlution Graphics B.V.